Dominic West Exclusive Interview (July 26, 2007)
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Exclusive Dominic West Interview JK: It's kind of a game on the Internet to watch for you to slip.

DW: Oh, is it?  Well, there'll be a lot more this year.

JK: There's a lot of affection for your ability, and of course everyone loved the fake accent.

DW: That was sort of a double inside joke, and now I'm doing a fake Baltimore accent, a treble inside joke...I'm tryin' to do the Balmer, yea, all that stuff.

JK: What about season 1?  You'll be a different guy.

DW: No one can remember season 1.

(We are interrupted for Dominic to shoot a scene)

JK: Did you have fun shooting that scene?  That was a big scene, right?

DW: Not so big, but Bunk says something which is a big plot point, yeah.

JK: When did you know how cool "The Wire" was going to be?  [Glen Martin]

DW: Only recently, really.  It used to be black guys on the subway in New York, but now it's everybody.

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