Dominic West Exclusive Interview (July 26, 2007)
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Exclusive Dominic West Interview JK: Do you consider yourself a theatre guy first, or would you rather do movies or TV?  [Robert Woods, Mike from North Dakota]

DW: Yeah, I suppose that was my training and my upbringing, and I do need to do that on a regular basis, but I've just done two big plays in London, so I don't need to do that for a while.

JK: Are you finished with "Rock'N'Roll"?

DW: Yes, that's going to Broadway, but with Rufus Sewell, who played the part first.  I was the second guy to play it.

JK: Television is different isn't it? Let's talk about "The Wire." When I was watching, you did very few takes.

DW: You're lucky to get more than four or five.  We save the time, we don't rehearse, it moves fast.  We do 8 pages a day, you'd never get that on a movie.

JK: Let's talk about McNulty.  A good guy.  Is it hard to play a good guy?

DW: Every character in "The Wire" has a good and bad side, and McNulty is a good guy in that he has a certain integrity, but he has plenty of...

JK: But even in his drunken stupor, he tries to do the right thing.

DW: Well, I'm not sure his wife would say that.  He's a hero to me.

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