Dominic West Exclusive Interview (July 26, 2007)
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Exclusive Dominic West Interview JK: I understand you are about to get married.  Is that true?  [Heather]

DW: Yes, well, I think so, yes.  She's coming in today, actually.  I haven't seen her for six weeks now because I was directing the episode, so she's coming in today.  Hopefully we'll get married next summer.

JK: You said, "I think so."

DW: Well, I'll have to see if she's changed her mind.  I haven't seen her for six weeks.

JK: I don't want to sound like a tabloid reporter, but I have these constituents, the group, and that's the first thing they want to know.

DW: Oh, really?  No, we are.  This is my girl friend from university days, and then she dumped me back then, and she married someone else and had a baby with somebody, and now we're on the rebound and we're back together.

JK: This is Catherine Fitzgerald.

DW: That's right, yeah.

JK: Well, good luck to you.

DW: I'm very happy in that department.

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