Dominic West Exclusive Interview (July 26, 2007)
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Exclusive Dominic West Interview JK: You couldn't have been that far down because you were in the news about it.

DW: Right, right, I don't know where I was, and I've always loved Bond, obviously, and I obviously had strong opinions where Bond should be or what they should do with the next Bond film, most people do anyway.  I told them that, and they said that's what everybody thinks, but we still end up sticking him in a big nuclear submarine and blowing the shit out of it.

JK: Right, I was going to say, you can't expect to control that at that level.

DW: No, I was just trying to think of something interesting to say in the audition, and whatever it was, it wasn't sufficient, but it was okay 'cause I saw the film, and I think it's the best they've ever done.  It was great!

JK: It was exciting.

DW: The chase was fantastic!  I've been bored to death with Bond films until this one, and it's really good.

JK: And it almost seemed realistic, even though they were jumping between cranes...

DW: I think it's the best it's been, and I think he's great, and I know I couldn't have done as well as him (Daniel Craig), so in the end it works out.  Maybe if he falls off the crane next time, I'll get another shot.

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