Dominic West Exclusive Interview (July 26, 2007)
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Exclusive Dominic West Interview JK: Were you surprised to get the role, being a Brit with your accent?  [Glen Martin]

DW: I grew up in the suburbs of Yorkshire.

JK: What did David Simon tell you? He loved the audition tape.

DW: It was such a long shot, I sent a tape.  They said put yourself on tape, so I did my best Robert De Niro impression, with my girlfriend who was supposed to be reading the other lines, but she couldn't stop laughing.  I had to send her out, so I just did the lines and left a pause for the other character.  They got that tape and they thought it was really funny.  They had a good a laugh at that.  I thought it was so ludicrous for me to go for this part, and that was really how I felt through the whole audition process, which helped a lot.

JK: And then you met Idris.

DW: Well, Idris is much more of a method actor about it.  He went around using an American accent all the time.  He's a real actor where I wasn't.

JK: So how do you do the accent?

DW: I wish I knew.  I just do take after take until they tell me the accent's all right.

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