Exclusive Clark Johnson Q&A (page 4)
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Clark Johnson Q: Did you enjoy the Belzer cameo on "The Wire"?  Did it turn out like you wanted?  Whose idea was it? [Andrew]

A: It's all about the record.  We all want Munch to make TV history.

Q: Do you feel that you had a pivotal role in any specific casting decisions for "The Wire"? [Tony from Philly]

A: Casting is the other major responsibility the director shares in a pilot.  I love this cast.

Q: Tell us something we don't know about Dominic West's video audition. [Jim King]

A: Nah.

Q: What do you think of Gus?  Is he fun to play?  Some say he's a bit too good to be true? [Pu]

A: Funny that's what my girlfriend says about me.  Think she's being a wise guy?

Q: Besides Gus and the City of Baltimore, who is your favorite "Wire" character? [Craig Aston]

A: Bunk.

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