NEW 4th Exclusive David Simon Q&A (page 9)
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Exclusive David Simon Q&A Q: So, what would be a better value, the complete Wire DVD box set or a few selected Westerns and war films and the books of Camus and the Greek philosophers?  [Kristyn]

A: Books, always.

Q: When I see or hear a train, I get nervous that I'm about to be run over by an institution.  Also, I can't watch those lame network TV police procedurals anymore.  You have changed my life.  Thanks, I think.  [Sandee, Dennis]

A: More time to read and beat on your kids.  Enjoy!

Q: How is Generation Kill doing?  What will Wire fans recognize?  [Bill from Dallas]

A: I think it's coming together as something unique.  If you've read the book, you know that Ed and I feel an obligation to pull a great work of journalism through the keyhole.  You'll recognize James Ransone and Benjamin Busch, I think.

Q: How is your New Orleans project coming along?  When will you know if you get to make it?  [Linda]

A: HBO pushed Generation Kill forward by three months and I am rushing to finish the post-production on that, so I have not had the smallest window of time to review my pilot script, write an accompanying bible and turn it in.  Mid-March I finally get some time off and will do so.  Then they'll read it and we'll see.  Nothing is guaranteed.

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